The 2024 holiday shopping season has officially started with Black
Friday on November 29. I want to get answers to a couple of questions:
How much inventory did U.S. retailers carry coming into this holiday season?
How has this inventory increased or decreased since last year?
Retailers are enjoying the benefits of robust economic growth and low unemployment. At the end of October, theunemploymentrate stood at 4.1%, andinflationwas
2.6%. Inflation has come down dramatically since a dramatic increase in
2021 and 2022. Since inflation affects inventory costs, the data shows a
dramatic increase in inventory held on a company's balance sheet in
2020 and 2021. The initial demand shock of 2020 during March quickly
turned into a supply shock as demand skyrocketed as stimulus was rolled
out. The increased demand and supply chain constraints likely increased
the costs of procuring inventory.
Amazon, for example, saw a steep 30% increase in inventory costs between 2020 and 2021 and another 18% increase in 2023(Exhibit 1). In 2024, the company only showed amodest 1.9% increasein
its inventory. Amazon has a massive number of third-party sellers on
its marketplace, and their inventory is not included in Amazon's balance
Exhibit 1: Amazon's Inventory Costs in its Balance Sheet.
SEC, Snowflake Cortex Analyst, Excel
Similarly, Walmart saw a double-digit increase in its inventory costs in 2021 and 2022 but showed a1.9% decreasein 2024 compared to 2023(Exhibit 2). However, Walmart's data is for the fiscal period ending July 2024.
Exhibit 2: Walmart's Inventory Costs.
SEC, Snowflake Cortex Analyst, Excel
Among the big three retailers, Amazon, Walmart, and Costco, Costco
has increased its inventory by a double-digit rate going into the 2024
holiday season(Exhibit 3).
However, Costco has an excellent inventory turnover practice, so it
will quickly convert its inventory into cash. Costco typically only
carries 30 days of sales in inventory, the lowest among these three
retailers. You can read more aboutCostco here.
Exhibit 3: Costco's Inventory Costs.
SEC, Snowflake Cortex Analyst, Excel
I looked at the inventory for a few other retail companies,
including Dick's Sporting Goods, Deckers Outdoor, Home Depot, Lowe's,
Burlington Stores, and Autozone(Exhibit 4).
Most of these companies are coming into this holiday season with a
mid-to-upper single-digit increase in inventory compared to last year.
Lowe's is being cautious, with almost no change in inventory since 2023.
Dick's Sporting Goods has the highest inventory cost increase of 13%
over 2023.
Exhibit 4: Inventory Costs of Various Other Retailers.
SEC, Snowflake Cortex Analyst, Excel
Inventory costs are normalizing across the board for retailers
after the tumult caused by the pandemic. Dick's Sporting Goods increase
in inventory costs is a bit worrying, followed by Burlington Stores,
Deckers Outdoor, and Autozone. They are hoping for a strong holiday
I generated the SQL usingSnowflake Cortex Analyst.
Cortex Analyst is a massive productivity booster that takes just a
little time to get started. Snowflake is one of the most accessible data
platforms for businesses to gain insights quickly. You can try ithere.
Disclosures: I am a Sales Engineer at Snowflake. All opinions
in this blog post are solely mine and do not reflect Snowflake's views. I
am not a Registered Investment Advisor, and any discussion on
securities or investments is not an inducement to make a particular
Learn the JSON structure of the SEC company filing from an example.
What fiscal end periods are represented in the JSON document?
Answer the question using the REDUCE higher-order function in Snowflake.
What is the REDUCE Higher-order Function?
Recently, Snowflake madeREDUCEHigher-order functiongenerally available.
This function adds another powerful, easy-to-use tool to your toolkit
to process arrays. The REDUCE function allows you to accumulate values
across an array into a single value. It takes an array as input, an
initial accumulator value, and a Lambda expression that defines the
logic for processing each array element.
REDUCE( <array> , <init> , <lambda_expression> )
The JSON Structure of the SEC Filing
My goal is to understand the cash carried by Kimberly-Clark Corporation in its balance sheet. The company is known for itsproducts,such
as Huggies and Cottonelle. I want to list all the fiscal end dates in
the data. There can be inconsistencies in the data filed with the SEC,
especially concerning the fiscal periods represented, so knowing what
fiscal periods are in the data can be invaluable. Also, the SEC filing
may have repeated data. This is because investors wish to compare
current results with past results, so a Q2 report should include Q1 and
Q2 data from the previous year. So, the SEC filing would have
Note: You can learn about my External Table structurehere. In my LinkedIn profile, you can read a series of blogs about my setup to query SEC filings.
Here's the JSON structure we will use in the REDUCE function:
"cik": 55785,
"description": "Amount of currency on hand as well
as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions.
Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of
What fiscal end periods are represented in the JSON document?
I have created anexternal tablecalled CONS_STAPLES_CASH_AND_CASH_EQUIVALENTS. For the REDUCE function, the input is the path to the array:
Path to the Array Elements:
I wish to get a concatenated string of all thefiscal end periodsrepresented in the JSON document. This is represented by the"end"key. This is represented in the init parameter as ''. Finally, in the Lambda Expression, thearg1argument is the accumulator, and thearg2argument is thecurrent elementbeing processed in the array.
When I execute the query, the REDUCE function retrieves the value forthe
"end" key, concatenates it to the accumulator, and returns it (Exhibit
1). The screenshot shows that for Kimberly-Clark Corp (KMB), the JSON
has data from the fiscal period ending 2006-12-31. Butfor Target (TGT), the data in the JSON is from 2016-01-30.
Exhibit 1: The Fiscal Period End Date Returned by the REDUCE function.
Snowflake Snowsight
I can also tell that the SEC filing has duplicate data that I must
handle in my query. For example, I can see that the 2007-12-31 is
represented multiple times in the file I downloaded from the SEC(Exhibit 2).
Exhibit 2: Fiscal Period End Dates Accumulated By the REDUCE Higher-order Function.
I can quickly see the data in my JSON files downloaded from the
SEC. I did not have to use a LATERAL FLATTEN to get at the data. The
REDUCE function boosts my efficiency when I am dealing with JSON data.
Try out Snowflake'sREDUCEand other Higher-order functions; they will make you more productive.
A brief description of VWAP and its importance in trading and asset management.
The process to calculate VWAP.
An overview of the Snowflake features used to implement VWAP.
The architecture of VWAP implementation in Snowflake.
Code examples
Examples of charting Microsoft's and Nestle's VWAP in Python.
What is VWAP?
Volume-weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a price signal that takes into account the trading volume. The logic behind the VWAP is simple: if investors think an asset is undervalued compared to its current price, they will purchase more of that asset. Investors use the VWAP as a benchmark price to make buying or selling decisions. If an asset is currently trading above the VWAP for the day, the trader may decide to sell or short an asset with the expectation that the asset would revert to the VWAP line, giving the trader a handsome profit. A trader may consider taking a long position if the asset's current price is below the VWAP.
A portfolio manager looking to acquire assets for her fund may use VWAP as the price to beat - a purchase price at or below VWAP would be considered reasonable. The portfolio manager would feel happy that she did not overpay for an asset.
Purchase Price Matters
The title of this article—Purchase Price Matters—comes from the excellent interview conducted by Nicolai Tangen (CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management) of Marc Rowan (CEO of Apollo Global Management, Inc.). Marc uses this phrase to state that every investment is a value investment. If you overpay for an asset, your investment returns will be lower - a simple yet profound thought. You can listen to the interview in the podcast - In Good Company With Nicolai Tangen. There are many amazing interviews in this podcast. These are three other episodes I would highly recommend:
Investment firms may have their proprietary methodology for calculating VWAP. To implement VWAP in Snowflake, I have followed the method outlined in Investopedia, considering data availability and simplicity.
Here are the steps in this method:
Take the average of high, low, and close prices for each period.
If your VWAP period is 5 minutes, you will take the average of the high, low, and close for this period during the trading day. You arrive at the Typical Price for the asset.
Typical Price (TP) = (High + Low + Close) / 3
In my calculation, I only used the closing price for a period as my Typical Price.
Next, multiply the Typical Price by the Trading Volume in this period.
The VWAP is calculated by dividing the Typical Price Volume by the Volume. In this case, the VWAP for the first 5-minute time period would equal the Typical Price.
VWAP = Typical Price Volume / Volume
The final step is to calculate the cumulative TPV over a period of time (for e.g. 60 minutes, a day, several days, or a year) and divide it by the sum of volume over the same period.
I used Polygon.IO as the data provider. In its free tier, Polygon provides a trade aggregates API that aggregates trades over 1-minute, 5-minutes, hours, days, weeks or months. I have used this data to demonstrate the VWAP implementation in Snowflake. The aggregates data is in the format:
Before we get into the architecture, let's introduce some of the Snowflake features used to implement VWAP:
Snowflake Storage Integration stores the identity and access information for the AWS S3 Bucket.
A Snowflake Stage object identifies the location where the files are stored.
Snowflake Snowpipe enables loading of data from files in batches. One can use a COPY statement in Snowpipe to automate the loading of file. An AWS S3 Bucket can be configured to notify Snowpipe of available files to load into Snowflake using AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS).
The COPY INTO <table> SQL statement helps load data from files into an existing table.
Snowflake Dynamic Tables offers a simple way to automate the transformation of data. You can easily create data pipelines using Dynamic Tables.
The TIME_SLICE SQL function calculates the beginning or end of a "slice" of time.
The Window functions are used to aggregate data over a period of time. I use this to calculate the cumulative VWAP. The Window functions are used to aggregate over a group of related rows, known as a partition. In our case the partion is the TICKER_SYMBOL - MSFT, AAPL, PEP, etc.
Exhibit 1: Volume-Weighted Average Price Architecture.
VWAP Implementation on Snowflake
I use a Python app to access the Polygon API and store the JSON output in an AWS S3 Bucket.
The AWS S3 Bucket is configured to notify Snowflake Snowpipe when a file lands in the Bucket.
When Snowpipe receives the notification, its picks up the file from the Bucket and loads the raw JSON data into a table in Snowflake.
At this point, a Dynamic Table, PARSE_STOCK_TRADES_DT, starts the process of transforming the JSON data by parsing the various keys.
Another Dynamic Table, STOCK_TRADES_INTERMEDIATE_VWAP_DT, calculates the VWAP for various stocks over 20-minute time slices. In short, we take the 1-minute aggregate data from Polygon and calculate the VWAP for 20-minute slices.
Finally, the last Dynamic Table, VWAP_STOCK_TRADES_DT, calculates the cumulative VWAP using a Window function to aggregate the price and volume data over all the previous rows and the current row.
The final VWAP from the VWAP_STOCK_TRADES_DT can be presented in a dashboard as a chart.
The Snowflake Code Samples
Creating a Storage Integration
CREATE STORAGE INTEGRATION companystockprices_storage_int
Create a Dynamic Table to Calculate the Intermediate VWAP
Create a Dynamic Table to Calculate the Cumulative VWAP
TARGET_LAG = '30 minutes'
You can visualize the data pipeline in Snowflake Snowsight (Exhibit 2). The active Dynamic Tables are shown with the dark blue arrows.
Exhibit 2: Data Pipeline Graph in Snowsight.
Data Pipeline Visualized in Snowsight
Charting Intermediate and Cumulative VWAP in Python
In Snowflake Notebook, you can easily create a session object using get_active_session()
import streamlit as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Snowpark Pandas API.
# We are loading all the data in the Snowflake Pandas Data Frame.
import modin.pandas as spd
# Import the Snowpark pandas plugin for modin
import snowflake.snowpark.modin.plugin
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
# Create a snowpark session
session = get_active_session()
# Name of the sample database and the schema to be used
Query the intermediate VWAP values from the INTERMEDIATE_VWAP_STOCK_TRADES_DT
# Query the Intermediate VWAP Dynamic Table.
intermediate_VWAP_df = spd.read_snowflake(f"{SOURCE_DATA_PATH}
.sort_values(["TICKER_SYMBOL","TRADE_TIME_SLICE"], ascending = True)
# Filter for the MSFT Values in the Pandas Data Frame.
filtered_intermediate_VWAP_df = intermediate_VWAP_df
.where(intermediate_VWAP_df['TICKER_SYMBOL'] == 'MSFT')
# Remove all the NONE values from the Pandas Data Frame.
filtered_intermediate_VWAP_df = filtered_intermediate_VWAP_df.dropna()
Query the cumulative VWAP from the VWAP_STOCK_TRADES_DT
# Query the Cumulative VWAP Table
final_VWAP_df = spd.read_snowflake(f"{SOURCE_DATA_PATH}.VWAP_STOCK_TRADES_DT")
# Filter for the MSFT values in the Pandas Data Frame.
filtered_final_VWAP_df = final_VWAP_df.where(final_VWAP_df['TICKER_SYMBOL'] == 'MSFT')
# Remove all the NONE values from the Pandas Data Frame.
filtered_final_VWAP_df = filtered_final_VWAP_df.dropna()
Merge the intermediate VWAP and the Cumulative VWAP to use in a Python chart.
# Merge the Intermediate VWAP and Cumulative VWAP
spd_intermediate_and_final_vwap_df = filtered_intermediate_VWAP_df.merge(filtered_final_VWAP_df,
Use the merged the Snowflake Pandas Data Frame to plot the chart.
data = {
'TRADE_TIME_SLICE_x': spd_intermediate_and_final_vwap_df['TRADE_TIME_SLICE_x'],
'INTERMEDIATE_VWAP': spd_intermediate_and_final_vwap_df['INTERMEDIATE_VWAP'],
'FINALVWAP': spd_intermediate_and_final_vwap_df['FINAL_VWAP']
df = spd.DataFrame(data)
# Create the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))
plt.plot(df['TRADE_TIME_SLICE_x'], df['FINAL_VWAP'], label='FINAL_VWAP')
# Add title, labels, and legend
plt.title('Microsoft Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)')
plt.xlabel('TRADE') plt.ylabel('VWAP') plt.legend() # Show the plot
I merged the intermediate VWAP (20-Minute Time Slice) and the cumulative VWAP (From Feb 2023) and plotted it in a chart in Snowflake Notebook using Python. Here's how it looks:
We can see from the chart (Exhibit 3) that Micrsoft is currently trading (Intermediate VWAP - blue line) well above its cumulative VWAP line (yellow line). Microsoft is benefitting from the AI-led demand for its products and services mixed with the euphoria and promise of more gains to come from AI-related product releases.
Exhibit 3: Microsoft's Intermediate VWAP (20-Minute Window) and Cumulative VWAP (Since Feb 2023)
Microsoft's Intermediate VWAP (20-Minute Window) and Cumulative VWAP (Since Feb 2023)
On the other end of the spectrum is Nestle. The company is having a no good, very bad year since October 2023. Its intermediate VWAP (20-Minute Time Slice) has dropped well below its cumulative VWAP (Exhibit 4). Nestle has suffered from sky rocketing prices for cocoa and coffee that has pressured its margins. This is Nestle, one of the most iconic brands with a multitude of well-known products and sales in over a 100 countries, it's in pretty bad shape today, but they should recover in the coming years.
Exhibit 4: Nestle Intermediate VWAP (20-Minute Time Slice) and Cumulative VWAP (Since Feb 2023).
Nestle Intermediate VWAP (20-Minute Time Slice) and Cumulative VWAP (Since Feb 2023).
In just a couple of hours you can ingest raw market data into Snowflake and transform it into signals such as Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP).
How much cash does the U.S. Federal Government carry on its balance sheet?
How does that cash compare to the money on Big Tech's balance sheet?
How is Big Tech spending on share repurchases?
Theoretically, how much cash could Big Tech have on its balance sheet, including the repurchase amounts?
How much cash does the U.S. Federal government carry in its Balance Sheet?
The U.S. Treasury Department owns and publishes the government's balance sheet annually. At the end of 2023, the U.S. government held $922 billion in cash (Exhibit 1). Although the Federal government, with congressional authorization, can print money to bolster its balance sheet at any time, we are using this amount as a fun exercise to compare against the cash held by the private sector, especially by the tech giants.
Exhibit 1: Assets Portion of the U.S. Government Balance Sheet
Bureau Of Fiscal Service
How does the federal government's cash holding compare to the private sector?
I queried the U.S. SEC filings using Snowflake to examine the cash held by various companies (Exhibit 2). I wanted to examine Big Tech but also threw in data from other companies, from Berkshire to Coca-Cola. Berkshire Hathaway had to be included in this list since its cash, bonds, and securities on its balance sheet total over $325 billion. The table below details only the cash holdings without looking at long-term bonds and securities companies may hold.
Warren Buffett believes in having a fortress balance sheet and has been selling his stock positions in Apple and Bank of America to bolster it over the past few quarters. So, what does Warren know about the markets that concern him? There's a cottage industry trying to guess Buffett's thinking and investment strategy. Buffett may be saying that U.S. stocks are overvalued, so it's time to cash in on the capital gains he has secured on Apple. My guess is as good as yours. If the market takes a beating in the coming months, Warren might be in a prime position to buy excellent businesses at a cheaper valuation.
Note: It was easy to create an AI app in Snowflake to learn from Warren Buffett's annual letters. You can learn about it here.
Amazon has the highest cash position, with $75 billion on its balance sheet, followed by Meta (Facebook), which has $43 billion. The top 10 companies on this list, from Amazon to Salesforce, held $273 billion in cash.
Note: Procter & Gamble (PG) data has a bug since the cash position is for 2019. I hypothesize that PG started using a different US GAAP tag after the 2019 fiscal year than the one I used in my query. I will look into this. You can learn more about my architecture in a series of blogs here and here.
Exhibit 2: Cash Held By U.S. Companies
Cash Held By U.S. Companies.
This amount of cash on the balance sheet feels tiny compared to many big tech companies' annual free cash flows. Where did all the money go?
How much is Big Tech spending on share repurchases?
Share repurchase is a financial technique companies use to buy back their shares. Repurchases reduce the total outstanding shares, offering multiple benefits to the company and its shareholders.
Companies can show earnings per share growth without increasing earnings from their business operations.
Existing shareholders see their stake in the business increase. Now, they own more of the business.
Reduce the total dividend that the company has to pay out annually.
If you and your friend were partners in a business and you bought out your friend's share, you would end up owning 100% of the company and keeping all the profits. Share repurchases are similar, except on a much bigger scale.
Let's look at an example to see the benefits of share repurchases.
Exhibit 3: Share Repurchase Example
Share Repurchase Example
Suppose a company had a net income of $1000 and a total outstanding shares of 10 in year 1. In this case, its earnings per share (EPS) is $100. Suppose the company earns the same amount of $1000 in net income in year 2 but repurchased 2 of its shares at the end of year 1. The number of outstanding shares is now eight instead of 10. The EPS has jumped from $100 to $125, a remarkable 25% increase without the business earning a single penny more. When EPS grows, the stock price should follow, benefitting the company and its shareholders.
When paying dividends to existing shareholders, share repurchases save the company money, assuming it decides not to increase its dividend per share. In this example, the total dividend amount the company has to pay is reduced from $100 to $80.
In the partnership example, when you buy out your friend, you would consider paying a fair price for his share of the business. You would be careful not to overpay. If you overpay, the returns you generate on your investment will be less. Similarly, buying back shares at any valuation is not recommended. Warren Buffett's rule on buybacks is only to repurchase shares when the stock is trading below its intrinsic value.
How much did Apple spend on buying back its shares?
Since 2018, Apple has spent a mammoth $559 billion on buying back its shares (Exhibit 4 & 5).
Exhibit 4: Amount of Money Apple Has Spent on Share Repurchase Since 2018.
Apple Share Repurchases
Exhibit 5: Apple's Spending on Share Buy Backs in Bar Chart Form.
Apple's Share Repurchases
How much has Apple managed to reduce its share count since 2018?
Apple has reduced its total outstanding shares from 20 billion to 15.4 billion, a 22% reduction.
Exhibit 6: Apple's Weighted Average Diluted Shares Outstanding
How much did Microsoft spend on buying back its shares?
Microsoft has spent $152 billion on share buybacks since 2018 (Exhibits 7 & 8).
Exhibit 7: Microsoft's Spending on Share Repurchases
Microsoft's Spending on Share Repurchases
Exhibit 8: Microsoft's Spending on Share Repurchases in Bar Chart Form
Microsoft's Repurchases.
How much has Microsoft managed to reduce its share count since 2018?
Microsoft has reduced its outstanding shares from 7.79 billion to 7.46 billion, a 4.2% reduction (Exhibit 9).
Exhibit 9: Microsoft's Outstanding Shares.
Microsoft's Outstanding Shares
In theory, Big Tech could have more money on its balance sheet than the Federal government if desired. It spends a lot on Capex, R&D, and share repurchases.
Note: All data analysis was done on Snowflake using Snowsight Worksheets and Snowflake Notebooks. If you like the analytics presented here and wish to do similar analytics with your data, Snowflake may be the easiest platform to gain insights quickly. Try Snowflake for free for 30 days here.
Disclosures: I am a Sales Engineer at Snowflake. All opinions in this blog post are solely mine and do not reflect Snowflake's views. I am not a Registered Investment Advisor, and any discussion on securities or investments is not an inducement to make a particular investment.